quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2020

CBAMR - Comic Book and Movie ReviewsART / WORK / LIFE - TIAGO AZEVEDO by David Andrews

CBAMR - Comic Book and Movie Reviews
ART / WORK / LIFE - TIAGO AZEVEDO by David Andrews
I was recently introduced to a brilliant Portuguese artist who specializes in painting portraits rather than objects, ranging from well-known historical figures all the way to mystical characters featured in pop culture. His name is Tiago Azevedo, he lives in Germany, and he was good enough to tell me about his life and career. Here, check this out...

1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself, Tiago.   I'm an artist who's decided to follow his dreams by dedicating my full attention to creating a life where my career is also my passion. I live my dreams every day and make a point of sharing that possibility with everyone that wants to live a life that's filled with joy and happiness.

2) What inspired you to become an artist?   Art has always been a part of me because it's the easiest way for me to express myself. This started with the desire to materialize the beauty I see in the world around me by transforming it into something tangible! That is what I do, I translate to the canvas my vision of what beauty really means to me.

3) What song would you say best represents your illustrative style and why?   That song would have to be “Un-Break My Heart” by Toni Braxton. Not for the sadness in the song. But rather, for the emotion in the song. The same strong emotion I feel when I produce my work, which hopefully, is the same emotion people will feel when they see it. It has become my mission in life -- to spread positivity across the world.

4) If you could get a celebrity – either living or dead – to promote your wares, who would you choose, and why would you want to choose this particular person?   That celebrity would definitely be Cher, because in my opinion, she's the epitome of beauty and strength, and subconsciously, I tend to use her as a reference for my paintings. Curiously enough, a lot of people recognize her in my work, even though it's not intentional.

5) If you had a personal motto, what would it be?   'Follow your dreams'! It may sound simple and generic, but you would be surprised at the number of people who do not have a clear and defined dream or goal. I feel that in this case, you should ask yourself every day what that dream might be and try as many new experiences as you can in order to start having a clearer idea. I believe that it's only when you have a purpose in life that you can live a complete and fulfilled life, and your dreams and desires are indicators of that purpose. 🧜 www.tiagoazevedo.com 🧚

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